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In a world where outstanding teachers make such a difference, KEF is very grateful for the dedication of all teachers.
The outstanding teachers in each of the KCSD schools are recommended by their principals. KEF recognizes these outstanding teachers for their dedication to excellence in education.
Each recipient of the KEF Outstanding Teacher Award receives a $100 cash prize, a bouquet of flowers and is an honored guest at the KEF Annual Spring Dinner. Each recipient's name is also listed on plaques displayed in the District Office and in each school.
Can I be awarded more than one grant per year?Promising and Proven Practices grants will not be awarded to the same individual more than one time in a twelve-month period. Minigrants will not be awarded to the same individual more than once every THREE calendar years.
Who may apply for grant money?If you are employed by the Kennett Consolidated School District, or are a KCSD student, you are eligible for grant money from the Kennett Education Foundation.
How much money may I ask for?All proposals must include a detailed expense budget for funds requested from KEF and include any revenue that will be used from other sources. Promising Practices Grant: $5,000 Limit Proven Practices Grant: $4,000 Limit MiniGrant: $300 Limit Smart Grant: $2,000 Limit
How difficult is it to apply for a grant?It is very easy! A decision will be rendered as soon as possible, we aim for less than 30 days. You will be asked to enter the name of your principal so that he/she receives a copy of your grant submission.
What does the Foundation look for in grant proposals?The following categories are more likely to be funded: Innovative programs - also described as "first-time", "unique", "pilot". Music, art, language or non-academic extended learning programs. Specialty equipment or technology - microscopes, globes, certain software (appropriate district staff must approve requests). Projects that provide an avenue to explore, develop, and refine ideas for improving the education for our students. The following Categories are less likely to be funded: Projects that fund professional development courses or workshops only. Projects that fund primarily consumable materials and/or transportation costs. Experts (i.e. authors or artists) who are used in the program are viewed as an exception. Grants that are used to compensate teachers or staff who come to work with the students are prohibited. Furniture($300 limit)
What considerations are used to determine which requests are funded?Innovative, unique and use of “best practices” Number of students who benefit. Durability of benefit (more than one class year) and can it be shared by more than one class. Significant benefit to students or teachers. Leverages financial and/or volunteer support from other sources when necessary. Promotes collaboration between teachers, schools, and/or community.
Once my grant is approved, how do I get reimbursed?"Once your grant is approved, the KCSD District Office will assign you a grant-specific account code, along with ordering options and reimbursement processes.
How long do I have to spend the grant funds?In your approval letter, there will be a spending deadline, usually about three months. If an extension is required, contact the KEF Education Grants Committee.
Still have questions?Please contact the Education Grants Chair Barbie DeCarlo.
Do I need to report back to the foundation?To complete the process and be eligible for future grants, you will need to submit a Grant Reporting Form (found on the KEF website). Appropriate documentation and photos should be attached and forwarded.
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